Home > Uncategorized > Re-Branding


Like the development process that most of us go through (via education, work, and the experience of life), companys do the same thing. Or they should (can’t be a child forever!).

So the question is, what kind of process do you apply when you assess where your company is and where it needs to go. And what part does re-branding play in that?

If you started out as a three-person team with a product and vision but you’re now a 20+ company with a payroll and a budget and a bigger product/service offering, how do you communicate that to the world?

The first step is the most obvious: your website. Does it contain up-to-date information about your company? And that includes the people – everyone likes to see a pic and bio of the CEO but there is equal interest in knowing about the people who will actually work with customers.

Also, is your site’s appearance in synch with your culture? If you’re a dynamic organization that is ready to go at all times, does your site reflect that? Or is it a mish-mash of bland colors and stock photo’s of people who look more like mannequins and less like the slightly grizzled but amazing project manager whose team can finish a product on-time and under-budget? Authenticity sells, even if there is a five-o-clock shadow…

Finally, if your site is sharp and service line-up is as awesome as you know it is, then the next and final hurdle is: content. As John Blossom wrote in his book Content Nation, what you say and how you say it along with how you present and distribute is the key factor in successful re-branding.

Every day is a new day, are you ready for it?

Categories: Uncategorized
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